[ODE] XODE trimesh structure - please vote

Chroma chroma at skynet.be
Tue Mar 16 02:54:12 MST 2004

WD> This is an important issue and I would like to get as much feedback as
WD> possible.  Already there have been arguments for several different ways.
WD> The issue with storing the trimesh data is that you can either opt for
WD> the XML way of doing it (ie. in XML tags) or using CDATA and making up
WD> our own structure.

Personally I do not want to store the vertices/indices in the xode file
at all. I'd rather use a filename reference to an external file, just
like a mesh. There is already enough file format to store vertices and
indices informations. U will have the same problem if u want to support
the terrain geom.


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