John Miles jmiles at pop.net
Fri Mar 5 14:22:19 MST 2004

> However - ODE is written in C++ - and it's EXTREMELY poor programming
> practice to use malloc/calloc/realloc/strdup/free in C++.  You should
> ALWAYS use the C++ new/delete operators instead.
> I'm fairly horrified that we're even having this discussion!

Thatt's a religious (opinion-driven) issue, not carved in stone.

I use malloc/free all the time in C++, when the intent is to handle
construction explicitly.   C++ constructors are horribly broken -- they can
cause hidden performance problems for objects stored in containers, and they
don't allow failure detection without dragging in a bunch of
exception-handling baggage -- so it's not unreasonable to use malloc and
free in combination with explicit initialization.

-- jm


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