[ODE] Picking objects

Manohar B.S sciphilog at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 30 02:54:38 MST 2004

Hello James,
Hello Olivier,

> It's sad we have to get to such tricks as soon as
> model control is needed... Perhaps someone who
> developped a stable servo example could contribute
> it in ODE distribution someday ? I know it would
> solve most of my animation/interaction needs !

Well, I think there's a serious need for model control
or Motion controller interface with the physics
engines (which ever it be). Well, oscillations are
part of the physics and the physics engine is happy
becos it is honestly doing what it is supposed to do.
We always expect some thing that we get convinced of
due to our past experience with the nature
(irrespective of right mathematical justification).

 At this time I am not very much informative about how
to make a very "convincing" and "Accurate" motion
control interface but I believe that Fully logic based
contoller is the best option. But the requirements are
like this:

 1. The Physics body/geom should follow the position
and orientation of the Motion sensor as quickly as
possible (with accuracy).
 2. Oscillations should be minimum or atleast
 3. Forces applied on the physics body/geom should be
clean enough to be applied to the forcefeedback
 3. The algorithm should be computationally lite.

Fuzzy Spring-Damper will have variable spring konst
and variable damping konst, depending on the rule
table entries.

 I would be happy to dedicate time for research in
this like.

 -- \
Manohar BS

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