[ODE] Trimesh related runtime error

Tomek Zielinski tomekziel at op.pl
Sun Jul 18 02:26:41 MST 2004

Hi everybody!

Short piece of my code:

#define MAX_CONTACTS 1000
dContactGeom contact_array_helper[MAX_CONTACTS], 
unsigned int contact_num;

// there are only a few geoms in my space so ythere is no need to test 
for spaces
void nearCallback(void *data, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2)

         // dwoch statykow nie kolidujemy
//        if(dGeomGetBody(o1)==0 && dGeomGetBody(o2)==0 )
//            return;

         // colliding two non-space geoms, so generate contact points 
between o1 and o2
         int num_contact = dCollide( o1, o2, MAX_CONTACTS, 
contact_array_helper, sizeof(dContactGeom) ); // ODE ERROR

         // add these contact points to the simulation
         for(unsigned int i=0; i<num_contact; i++)
             contact_array[contact_num++] = contact_array_helper[i];


contact_num = 0;
dSpaceCollide( odeSpace, NULL, nearCallback );

I checked my code and I'm almost sure that setup is done properly. But 
when two trimesh-bodies touches(even trimesh with box) i'm getting ODE 
error "invalid operation for geom in locked 
space(ode/src/collision_kernel.cpp:line301). So I checked it and it 
turned out that 'ode/src/collision_kernel.cpp:line301' is inside 
dGeomSetBody. I don't understand why dCollide calls dGeomSetBody - what 
am I doing wrong?


I've just figured out that ODE itself is calling dGeomSetBody only from 
dBodyDestroy, and dBodyDestroy is called only from dTestDataStructures() 
which seems to be an internl ODE function... So I'm a lot more confused...


I've just changed triMeshes into planes and boxes a
and now that error is gone and contact points are being generated...


So how can this runtime error happen?

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