[ODE] FPS with ODE (again)

Tyler Streeter tylerstreeter at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 5 10:13:54 MST 2004

I used the same method (invisible sphere for player
collision detection, user input adds forces to the
sphere).  I have a small ray that extends from the
bottom of the sphere.  The player is only allowed to
exert force on the sphere when this ray is
intersecting the ground (a trimesh).  The length of
this ray is set so the player can only add forces to
the sphere on terrain angles that are < 45 degrees.

Here is a link to my project that demonstrates this. 
It also has examples of ragdolls (both limp and neural
network controlled...), swarming fish, an interactive
trebuchet, and a particle engine.  All source is


I hope this helps.

Tyler Streeter

--- Julien LOLLIVIER <julien.lollivier at quiris.com>
> There is already a lot of threads about this
> subject, but i've another question about player
> movements: how do you move your players ?
> I use "standing" spheres, and dGeomSetRotation, and
> all this runs as i want.
> But for movements, I've tried with two methods:
> - dBodyAddForce: Ok when the user is touching the
> ground, but throws player in the air when not (but
> still touching another geom, like a little crate),
> and player is able to climb "very hard" triangles.
> - dBodySetPosition: generates a lot of jitterings
> when colliding, and player is sometimes able to push
> very heavy objets, and not light ones.
> Do you use one of these methods with a lot of
> tweaks, or did i miss something ? :)
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