[ODE] Triangle-box collider contribution

Adam D. Moss adam at gimp.org
Wed Feb 25 20:57:38 MST 2004

Jeffrey Smith wrote:
> I have fixed the problem John mentions, as well as added some of my own code
> which combines potential contacts.
> The file is available at:
>              http://www.smokingrobot.com/collision_trimesh_box.cpp

Cool... if people want to try this out and compare it with the
current CVS version (NOTE: trimesh-box has already been rewritten
once since 0.039, and I think we really need a 0.0391 to give it
a fair trial before we replace it again) then this stands a better
chance of hitting CVS.

Could people also please try to submit changes as patches/diffs, or
at the very least give the base version that their changes
are based on when submitting whole-file changes.  This very
drastically reduces the chances of real fixes being mistakenly
backed-out when a whole-file change was based on an older (i.e.
the most current release) version.  I don't want to discourage
people from submitting changes at all, but submitting as a
real patch/diff just makes a lot of sense.

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam at gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3

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