[ODE] SIGSEGV in dSolveLCP() at ode/src/lcp.cpp:1137

Adam D. Moss adam at gimp.org
Thu Feb 12 17:54:43 MST 2004

Olivier Michel wrote:
> So, I will be waiting for the green light from Adam to get started with 
> this patch (conditional compilation to get dynamic memory allocation).

Go for it, I think it'd be good.  I can see the need for at least
three distinct switchable ALLOCA/FREEA 'stack' implementations, so
keep that in mind.  We can look into others when the two main
implementations are in there (raw alloca() and malloc()/free()).

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam at gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3
"At this point the rocket becomes engorged with astronauts."

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