[ODE] Problems with sleeping jointed bodies?

Megan Fox shalinor at gmail.com
Fri Dec 17 16:28:19 MST 2004

Just ran across a strange jitter that was being caused by a force
being applied to body A (and of course I woke body A up for that), but
that was connected to body B, which was sleeping.  The sleeping body
would then, apparently, let these or other forces pile up without
actually waking up, jittering occasionally.

Now the problem went away when I turned off auto-disabling (or in some
way forced both bodies to remain awake), and I'm fairly certain I can
eliminate the problem in this case by waking up all attached bodies as
well when applying forces... but are there any other gotchas I should
be aware of as far as sleeping jointed bodies go?

(they are remarkably stable aside from that, though - they even work
when attached to bodies I'm forcibly keeping upright via SetQuat() and
SetAngularVelocity() commands, go figure, I was certain that'd break

-Megan Fox

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