[ODE] Problem with linking projects with Visual C++

Pavel Tumik sagor at rostok-cd.kiev.ua
Wed Aug 25 11:07:35 MST 2004

Hello Alvaro,

Monday, August 23, 2004, 1:10:08 PM, you wrote:

AL> Thank you for your help, but even if I add the ode.lib in my project, it
AL> doesn´t work.  I can only run projects using MakeAllTest.dsw workspace,
AL> but if I want to run a project without this workspace, the linker asks
AL> me for the oded.lib library.  When you run the ode.dsw workspace, it
AL> creates you the oded.lib library ?

ok. you see, there are two versions of ode library, release which
named: "ode.lib" and debug: "oded.lib".
So, when you're compiling in debug mode - you should add "oded.lib",
when in release - "ode.lib".
To get this two libraries, you should compile Ode library in release
and in debug mode. So, you will have two versions of library. In case
if you couldn't compile Ode for some reasons, just use release version
"ode.lib" - everything will be ok.

Hope i help you... if not - write once more. :)

Best regards,
 Pavel                            mailto:sagor at rostok-cd.kiev.ua

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