[ODE] Problem with linking projects with Visual C++

Alvaro Lou alou at iai.csic.es
Thu Aug 19 10:18:19 MST 2004


I already done  the following steps in order to install ode:

    * unpack ode zip file version 0.039
    * run make command four times:
          o make configure
          o make ode-lib
          o make ode-test
          o make drawstuff-test
    * copy the contents of the *\ode0.039\include\ *directory to
      *\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include* directory
    * copy the contents of the *\ode0.039\lib\* directory to *\Microsoft
      Visual Studio\VC98\lib* directory

Nevertheless, when I open a project from the directory 
*\ode-0.039\ode-0.039\ode\test*  directory and I link it, it shows me an 
Unresolved external error message for every ode function.  Can you help 
me solving this problem???  Thank you,

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