[ODE] Question about a change in the source for dJointSetAMotorAxis

Russ Smith russ at q12.org
Fri Apr 30 12:00:51 MST 2004

> BTW, do you have any tips on creating a new motor type?  I've read the
> doc on new joint types but was wondering how to go about adding motors
> to it.

i wrote a chapter for the book "Game Gems 4" on creating new joint types
for ODE, and part of that chapter addresses this question (in a kind of
intuitive way, not really in a detailed mathematical way).

in brief though, if you have a new joint that you've just created you
can make any of the constraint axes 'motorized' by playing with the 'c'
and 'fmax' vectors. for each linear or translational constraint axis,
'c' is the relative velocity that should be achieved along that axis,
and fmax is the maximum amount of force to apply to reach that velocity.


Russell Smith

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