[ODE] documentation initiative

Jon Watte hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Tue Apr 13 09:57:23 MST 2004

> Hmm, not sure what you mean here -- I have no problem linking a DX9.0B
> application with VC6, SP5.  What would be an example?

I haven't seen it as a problem with Microsoft tools. Other tools (Borland, various freeware) seem to break with some regularity when Microsoft upgrades the library format. Although I haven't heard about it for a few years now, so it's probably been stable for a while. I remember a lot of bellyaching over some DirectX SDK version a few years back... was it 7?

Maybe the fact is that the old tools are really gone. That'd be good! In that case, I'd change my statement to "the C ABI is compatible, and linkage is currently unversally compatible."


			/ h+

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