[ODE] Windows mingw compile problems

Brent Burton brentb at io.com
Mon Apr 12 09:09:53 MST 2004

On Mon, 12 Apr 2004, Daniel Moser Tralamazza wrote:
> To compile ode using mingw I have changed these files:
> - IceFPU.h, IceHPoint.d, IceIndexedTriangle.h, IceMemoryMacros.h
> Just replace "#ifdef WIN32" for "#ifdef MSVC".
> If anyone wants I made a devcpp project (libode.dev).
> This its another subject but, I have implemented dRecip, dRecipSqrt, dSqrt,
> dNormalize3/4 using SIMD 3dnow instructions. Can I contribute that ?

Hi Daniel,

I'm wondering what kind of a speedup you got with the SIMD version of
these routines.  For example, what's the number of calls per second versus
the original versions? (Or msec per call, whatever.)


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