(link errors) Re: [ODE] VC6 Workspace out of date

Megan Fox shalinor at circustent.us
Sat Apr 10 15:06:47 MST 2004

I encountered a similar error when attempting to link the lib to my app, but
after creating my ode lib through the make method, it vanished entirely.
Does make'ing your lib result in the same error?

-Megan Fox

> I've downloaded your updated files but still the latest CVS produces a
> library that gives the following link errors on any program that worked
> before the latest CVS :
> ode.lib(collision_kernel.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
> "int __cdecl dCollideCCTL(struct dxGeom *,struct dxGeom *,int,struct
> dContactGeom *,int)"
> (?dCollideCCTL@@YAHPAUdxGeom@@0HPAUdContactGeom@@H at Z)
> referenced in function "void __cdecl initColliders(void)"
> (?initColliders@@YAXXZ)
> ode.lib(collision_kernel.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
> "int __cdecl dCollideTTL(struct dxGeom *,struct dxGeom *,int,struct
> dContactGeom *,int)" (?dCollideTTL@@YAHPAUdxGeom@@0HPAUdContactGeom@@H at Z)
> referenced in function "void __cdecl initColliders(void)"
> (?initColliders@@YAXXZ)
> anybody else encountered this ?
> thanks
> Limor

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