(trimesh-trimesh) Re: [ODE] Difference Between Bodies and Geoms

Adam D. Moss adam at gimp.org
Sat Apr 10 09:02:33 MST 2004

Vadim Macagon wrote:
>>I'm wondering if I need a seperate Geom for every object in the ODE
>>simulation. This would be rather memory expensive especially since I
>>plan to use TriMeshes. I'd like to be able to re-use a geom, like have
>>several objects(bodies) with the geom.
> When you create the trimesh geom it doesn't copy the vertex/index data you
> pass to it, so there's nothing that prevents you from reusing the same data
> for multiple trimesh geoms (you only need one copy of that data).

Note that this sadly doesn't hold any more if you use
trimesh-vs-trimesh collisions -- I believe you can no longer
share dTriMeshDataIDs between geoms because trimesh-vs-trimesh
associates the essential previous-transform matrix with the
TriMeshData rather than the TriMesh's geom.  That'd probably be
a wise thing to fix at this point unless Jeffrey had a good reason
to do it that way.

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam at gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3

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