[ODE] added trimesh-CCylinder capability

Adam D. Moss adam at gimp.org
Fri Apr 9 08:08:21 MST 2004

Russ Smith wrote:
> i've added the trimesh-CCylinder capability, from vadim macagon.

Cool.  Thanks, Vadim.  It mostly seems to work, though I see a
fair amount of minor glitchiness in test_moving_trimesh, where the
ccylinders get embedded in the bunny-ears and squirm there,
or nestle between the bunnies and wiggle the 'wrong' way.

Note that Nguyen Binh is (as of a couple of days ago) currently
porting the Croteam version of trimesh-vs-capsule.  When that's done
and assuming that neither is clearly superior then I'll add the
Croteam one as a 'contrib' and let them battle it out.

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam at gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3

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