[ODE] Triangle-box collider contribution

Russ Smith russ at q12.org
Mon Apr 5 13:57:20 MST 2004

hi adam,

my own opinion is that the core code should be robust, have a
maintainer, and be well documented - not necessarily that all of the
O(N^2) collision cases be supported. flat-ended cylinder is of obvious
usefulness, so should be moved into the core at some point.


Russ Smith

On Mon, 5 Apr 2004, Adam D. Moss wrote:

> Thanks for supplying capsule-vs-tri code, Alen.  More comments
> below.
> Alen Ladavac wrote:
> >>I don't know whether it makes sense for ODE to
> >>ever promote cylinders to a core primitive though).
> >
> > Why not? They are a necessity if you want to model barrels and cans, because
> > they can both stand upwards and roll. Useful for wheels as well, if you can
> > afford it - spheres are fast but very poor aproximation for wheels.
> My main and perpetual source of hesitation is that introducing /any/
> new core geom is not a decision to made lightly, because every time
> a new core geom is introduced, the introduction of any /future/ geoms
> becomes increasingly costly in terms of effort and footprint (assuming
> that the matrix of supported obj-vs-obj colliders should have no
> unimplemented meaningful cases, which IMO is a prerequisite for
> core geoms).
> However, personally I'd be happy to promote to core an everything-vs-
> cylinder implementation which seemed solid and had interested parties
> to keep it from rusting too badly.  (Russ, if you have an opinion
> either way then please speak up :)).
> After this, I can only think of two or three more geoms which seem
> sane and generally-useful, such as heightmaps and general convex hulls.
> In the future perhaps we'll extend to madness such as colliding
> parametric and time-extruded surfaces, where there's a call for it
> and someone has the code, but for now ODE's colliders seem to be
> shaping up pretty well.  Thanks to all contributors!
> --Adam
> --
> Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam at gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3
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