[ODE] Simulating a plane

Robson Ito robson_ito at yahoo.com.br
Tue Sep 16 02:14:22 MST 2003

hi all, i'm implementing a game that is a flying combat. So i decided to use ODE to simulate de physics. I just want some opinions, is it a good idea, or no? So, how can i make the plane turn right, left, increase velocity? using forces and torque between steps?
Another question:
If two bodies are atached to each other with a joint the collision betewen then will be automaticaly ignored in the step simulation?
and finaly: 
is there a way to put objects in the middle of simulation in a determined position.? can i change the position manually of an body between the steps?
Any help will be good!
Sorry about the poor english....thks

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