[ODE] Curious finite friction crash bug.

RDG O'Sullivan ro1615 at bris.ac.uk
Tue Oct 28 15:04:09 MST 2003

OK. I've figured it out.

I was getting an LCP internal error. I found this out once I stripped 
out SDL, OpenGL and a fair bit of other stuff from my code. Then it 
stopped crashing, and printed out 

"ODE Message 3: LCP internal error, s<= 0 (s=0.0000e+000)" 

instead when the box hits the ground simultaneously with... all three
corners. And then it carries on just fine, instead of crashing. Huh?

dMessage somehow causes a fatal crash when the program is using the SDL
library (or specifically when the program is compiled under MSVC using 
the latest version of SDL) instead of printing the message. I don't 
know why. It doesn't seem to get as far as printMessage.

...anyway. Since an LCP internal error can be generated by a box 
squarely landing on a plane, this is fairly irritating. So I've 
commented out the calls to dMessage for this particular error, which is
good enough for me, for now. I'll probably look deeper into the 
problem, and a *real*, more permanent, fix later on.


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