[ODE] Previous timestep significance? (part 1)

Konstantin Voloshin volk6 at mail.ru
Thu Oct 16 17:19:47 MST 2003


> But your results sound interesting, I will try to figure out why your
> experiment lead to an improvement.  Just to be clear, you were talking about
> ODE's the global ERP + CFM, and not the special ones like dContactSoftERP?

Actually, I altered all of erp & cfm, either global and contact-soft. So, there're
a total of (2+2*number-of-contacts) of values to be altered. I did that because
it seemed the right way to me.

Suprisingly, dynamic altering _only_ of the global erp&cfm (with contact-soft
parameters unchanged) seem to fix jumping&explosions problem. From
the other hand, altering _only_ contact-soft erp&cfm also seem to fix
that problem. I am completely unsure now, which way is better.

Unfortunately, interaction between global and local erp&cfm is left
mystetious to me. Do you know about that?

Of cource, it would be great if you share your improvement cause
investigation results :)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Adam Moravanszky [Novodex]"
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: [ODE] Previous timestep significance? (part 1)

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