[ODE] Am I missing something

Roel van Dijk roelvandijk at home.nl
Mon Nov 17 17:53:06 MST 2003

On Monday 17 November 2003 14:43, Garvin Haslett wrote:
> The installation is a cygwin bash shell running on an XP machine, however I
> don't think the problem is platform dependant as I have recreated the
> problem on a my home machine which is running Mandrake Linux 9.0.
> Could somone let me know what extra library I need to link in?
Looking at all the dsDrawBox, dsSetColor, ds* errors it is probably something 
with the drawstuff library. Are you sure you compiled the drawstuff lib? You 
must alse link to drawstuff:  -ldrawstuff.


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