[ODE] More accuracy ???
Gary R. Van Sickle
g.r.vansickle at worldnet.att.net
Mon May 26 00:12:01 2003
> Nguyen Binh wrote:
> > So, the code is modified to
> >
> > ------Begin code fragment
> > ......
> > // handle linear velocity
> > dReal h2 = h*h/2;
> > for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
> > b->pos[j] += h * b->lvel[j] + h2*b->facc[j];
> > .....
> > ------End
> > So our ODE has O(h3) accuracy compare to just O(h2) with the old
> > one.
> I've given it a try-out and it doesn't seem to hurt matters at all,
> though it's hard to say that it helps, and I'm not qualified to speak
> of its correctness.
I am ;-).
Assuming facc[] is constant over time interval h (which we have to assume, since
there's no other info to go on for the forces which get added into facc), we
a = v' = facc/Mass ==> constant
v = last_v + integral of v' over time period h
= last_v + (facc/Mass)*h
p = last_p + p'
p'= integral of v over time period h
= last_v*h + ((facc/Mass)*h^2)/2
So, from what I can tell, Nguyen's code is missing a b->invMass, and should read
something like this:
------Begin code fragment
// handle linear velocity
dReal h2 = h*h/2;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
b->pos[j] += h * b->lvel[j] + h2*(b->facc[j]*b->invMass);
There's two other problems though:
1. At the point in the StepIsland code where moveAndRotateBody() gets called,
it's not clear to me what's been done to lvel[]; in particular, I see this
earlier in the code:
for (j=0; j<3; j++) body[i]->lvel[j] += body_invMass * cforce[i*8+j];
cforce looks to be the constraint force. So, lvel in the presence of a
constraint is != last_v in the above derivation. What's that do to us? I don't
know, it's too late, my brain shut down a half hour ago. If there is no
constraint force though, this is the *exact* solution to the given problem, not
merely another Taylor-series factor. Well, it is, but it's the *last* non-zero
2. The forces acting on a body in the real world we're trying to model are
almost never (always never?) constant over a finite time period. It would be
nice to get externally-controlled forces (e.g. springs, interbody gravitation,
etc.) inside the integration loop. This is of course well beyond the scope of
Nguyen's patch, I just thought I'd mention it.
> I find that rotational velocity is much less
> stable (I don't know about 'accurate', though the issues are
> probably related) than linear velocity -- is there a similar trick
> for rotational velocity?
Probably, but I think it would involve a bit of matrix and/or quaternion math.
I'm just not up to it at this hour. ;-)
Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer. Patriot.