[ODE] ode & dynamic skeletal animationsystem

Ronald Beirouti rbeirou at Softimage.com
Mon May 19 03:01:02 2003

No, I meant that the first skeleton bones are "passive", i.e. not influenced by any force only animation. In ODE this would mean that they are just geoms with no body attached. I'm not sure ODE currently supports putting constraints between "passive" bodies and moving bodies though. I think the way you do this is by creating your spring constraint, attaching it one one side to your result skeleton and by setting the other end of the spring to the position of the animated skeleton joint (your animated skeleton wouldn't even have to be in ODE). However, I don't know how well the dynamics will be in ODE if you set the anchor position of one end of a constraint at each frame.

	.. Ronald

-----Original Message-----
From: Dietmar Suoch [mailto:dietmar.suoch@fhs-hagenberg.ac.at]
Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2003 9:33 AM
To: Ronald Beirouti
Cc: ode@q12.org
Subject: Re: [ODE] ode & dynamic skeletal animationsystem

Ronald Beirouti wrote:
> One way you might try to do this is by having two of your characters.
 > One will have strictly your animation on it.
> The other skeleton would be rigged up with all the dynamics,
 > i.e. constraints at the joints, mass, etc.
 > You would also add constraints between the two skelatons.
 > The second skeleton would be the result skeleton with all dynamics
 > applied and collision response. I think the constraints could be
 > spring constraints (you'll have to implement yourself) and would
 > connect the two skeletons at each joint. With a proper setup and
 > damping on the spring constraints you might end-up with a good result.

> Anyways, it looks like something simple enough to be worth a try.
> 	.. Ronald

you mean that the skeletons are root-wise at the same
place and limbs tied together with springs?

but does it make sense, when the spring constraint
is applied, i.e. to the rightupperleg-joint of both
skeletons. the first skeleton has no mass, so how
could it influence the other?

anyway, thank you very much for your idea ronald.

best regards