[ODE] Re-inventing the wheel

amundbørsand amund at c2i.net
Sun May 18 08:18:02 2003

Nguyen Binh <ngbinh@glassegg.com> skreiv:

>         Hi,
>         But I have another thoughts.
>         Physics in game is not kid's toy.I do think that even if some
>         one write a "complete idiots guide" on using ODE, a programmer
>         still cannot "use" ODE properly (at least use efficiently).
>         Physics is still being simulated so it is "art of
>         programming".So I think, to use ODE, users should at least
>         have a base knowledge on physics (not just real physics but
>         computer base physics i.e try Barraff's papers...)

I agree, but problems with compilers and other problems involving
programming grammar may not be the expert field of physicians.. I
understand a bit of physics, but I really don't understand all the weird
messages my compilers give me when I try to integrate OpCode with ODE 
(which I still haven't succeeded, hint, hint) :)

amundbørsand <amund@c2i.net>