[ODE] Flight simulation with ODE

Anders Olofsson anders.olofsson at biologigrand.ac
Fri Mar 28 05:08:02 2003

At 12:03 2003-03-28 +0100, amundbørsand wrote:
>GReat job! This is what I'm trying to do to car simulators - use real
>physics (suspension/tire friction etc.) to place the car, instead of
>just putting it on the ground and rotating it when the player press
>"turn". About time somebody does it to flight simulators as well! Would
>be really interesting if the planes actually act realistically, even
>when pushed (stalling, spinning etc.).

Thanks!. There have been realistic physics in some flight sims before,
the old "A-10 Cuba!" comes to my mind.

>Works great on my computer, except that the "aileron" (or how you spell
>it) is stuck to -1.000, so the plane keeps spinning unless I press "right"
>to keep it straight. I'm just using the keyboard, have no joystick.

Oh, did you check the 'keyboard' radiobutton on the startup dialog too?
That should fix that. Otherwise there is some bug.
