[ODE] Locking a body to a point in space
Ted Milker
Ted Milker <tmilker at radiks.net>
Thu Mar 27 12:49:02 2003
What's the correct way to lock a body to a fixed point in space(or if
it's possible, lock it to it's current position). Basically, I've got
two boxes connected by a ball joint, I'd like to lock one of the boxes
in mid-air and have it stay there, so if I were to apply force to the
second box, it would swing around the first one. I've pored over the
archives and docs but I can't find a solution. It sounds like it's
possible because someone mentioned hanging a net off of four locked
points to catch things.
I really dislike the documentation and how it doesn't list the
functions for the creation of joints with the joint descriptions,
they're way at the top before the individual joint types. Could this
be fixed?