SV: [ODE] Iterative solution

Martin C. Martin martin at
Tue Mar 18 08:31:01 2003 wrote:
> accumulate gravity and inertia for all bodies
> calculate J for all joints
> calculate A for all joints
> for i = 0 to maxIterations
>  recalculate rhs
>  solve LCP
>  accumulate forces
> next i
> move bodies

For the benefit of those of us who aren't familiar with the details of the
solver, could you write out the existing algorithm in this form?

It looks like, with this new method, the only thing you're changing is the
solution of the big linear equation.  In other words, you're implementing
an iterative solution to A*x = b, where A is a matrix and x and b are
vectors, is that right?  In that equation, A and b are given, and x is
what you're trying to find.

- Martin