[ODE] We'll probably use ODE for an Augmented Reality exhibit...

Adam D. Moss aspirin at ntlworld.com
Thu Mar 13 06:48:02 2003

Emmanuel Marin wrote:
> 1) the easy one : what do you think about ODE for
> an Augmented Reality exhibit 

I don't know... great? :)

> 2) the touchy one : yes, we plan to use ODE instead
> of Havoc and the likes because it's free, and we hope
> to make money, directly or not, from it. But in order to
> respect the spirit of ODE LGPL license, we plan to
> make available the code that will receive
> the joysticks inputs and send the positions
> /orientations of the cars to our softwawe through
> UDP. Does it sound okay to the community ?

Some people might hate me for actually pointing this out, but
ODE has a new, more permissive BSD-style license that doesn't
obligate you to release any of your code (but don't let that stop
you ;) ).  Even were ODE still LGPL, there are only certain
circumstances under which you'd have to consider releasing
your own code.  But it's good that you offer to do so.

IMHO, probably of even more benefit and interest to the ODE
community than your input code would be any bug-fixes or
improvements to ODE that you might make, or any interesting
insights into its practical application for your product.

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam@gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3
busting makes me feel good
kthx bye