[ODE] matrix multiplication

Fig TaTam fig_tatam at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 12 03:33:02 2003

ok, I figured out how to do that rotation I wanted, so don't respond to 
topic "Re: [ODE] rotation matrix from normalized vector?"

But now I have a question about matrix multiplication. Ode has a function 
for that described as:

/* matrix multiplication. all matrices are stored in standard row format.
* the digit refers to the argument that is transposed:
*   0:   A = B  * C   (sizes: A:p*r B:p*q C:q*r)
*   1:   A = B' * C   (sizes: A:p*r B:q*p C:q*r)
*   2:   A = B  * C'  (sizes: A:p*r B:p*q C:r*q)
* case 1,2 are equivalent to saying that the operation is A=B*C but
* B or C are stored in standard column format.

void dMultiply0 (dReal *A, const dReal *B, const dReal *C, int p,int q,int 

What I don't understand is what I'm supposed to pass as 'p', 'q', and 'r'. 
Anyone know?

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