[ODE] LCP solver problem

BRUN Fabrice 203620 Stagiaire BRUNF at zoe.cea.fr
Fri Jun 13 05:53:02 2003

I have a problem with the LCP solver.

When I enter a matrix line by line in the dReal vector A
to test the function dSolveLCPBasic,
it doesn't give me back the good result.

I do :	dSolveLCPBasic (3, A, x, b, w, 0, lo, hi) to test Ax = b + w
with 	A[0] = 2;A[1] = 1;A[2] = 1;
	A[3] = 1;A[4] = 2;A[5] = 1;
	A[6] = 1;A[7] = 1;A[8] = 1;
	b[0] = 1;
	b[1] = -1;
	b[2] = -2;
	lo = 0
	hi = + infinity
	nub = 0
and It returns : x=(0.5 ; 0 ; 0)
 and w=(0 ; 1 ; 0.4)
So Ax is not equal to b + w

Did I correctly enter the matrix ?
What is wrong ?
