[ODE] gyroscopes

amundbørsand amund at c2i.net
Thu Jun 12 13:29:02 2003

"Martin C. Martin" <martin@metahuman.org> skreiv:

> ODE can have problems if the angle you turn through in a single timestep
> (i.e. AngularVelocity * delta_t) goes beyond where sin(theta) ~= theta.

Hmm, that's an optimization, right? A simplification? (To assume that
sin(theta)=theta, works for small angles) Is that perhaps where the
"bendy wheels" bug is coming from? Would it be possible to choose
whether or not to use this simplification? Or would it be so slow to use
a real sin() that it won't be usable at all?

amundbørsand <amund@c2i.net>