[ODE] @@@ check computation of rotational force
Petr Sovis
petr_sovis at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 12 03:19:01 2003
in ODE step.cpp (line 326)
// for all bodies, compute the inertia tensor and its inverse in the
// frame, and compute the rotational force and add it to the torque
// accumulator.
// @@@ check computation of rotational force.
dReal *I = (dReal*) ALLOCA (3*nb*4 * sizeof(dReal));
dReal *invI = (dReal*) ALLOCA (3*nb*4 * sizeof(dReal));
dSetZero (I,3*nb*4);
dSetZero (invI,3*nb*4);
for (i=0; i<nb; i++) {
dReal tmp[12];
// compute inertia tensor in global frame
dMULTIPLY2_333 (tmp,body[i]->mass.I,body[i]->R);
dMULTIPLY0_333 (I+i*12,body[i]->R,tmp);
// compute inverse inertia tensor in global frame
dMULTIPLY2_333 (tmp,body[i]->invI,body[i]->R);
dMULTIPLY0_333 (invI+i*12,body[i]->R,tmp);
// compute rotational force
dMULTIPLY0_331 (tmp,I+i*12,body[i]->avel);
dCROSS (body[i]->tacc,-=,body[i]->avel,tmp);
I don't understand last 2 lines - "computing rotational force" -
according to: (baraff lagrange multipliers solution && anitescu
discretization )
(J IM J^T) lambda = w + J (IM * Fext + vold / dtime)
lambda >= 0 && w >= 0 && lambda * w = 0
should be Fext -> 2 * 3 * nobjects large vector of | f1 t1, f2 t2, .... |.
f1e = m * gravity_vector + linear_external_force
t1e = 0 - <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< that's
my solution
t1e -= angvel x ((R Ibody R^T) angvel) - <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< IN ODE in step.cpp
I thing "angvel x ((R Ibody R^T) angvel)" is L(t) - angular momentum of the
body - but i don't understand why - it may be external torque acting on
Anyone can explain me this computation ?
Thanks in advance
Petr Sovis
P.S. @@@ check computation of rotational force. :)
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