[ODE] ODE motors on real robots
Davide Faconti
facontidavide at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 29 03:22:02 2003
<html><div style='background-color:'><P>Hello everyone,</P>
<P>I want to have your opinion on my idea.</P>
<P>We are building a humanoid robot (to know more, look at <A href="http://www.isaacrobot.org">www.isaacrobot.org</A>). I use ODe for simulation and I got an idea:</P>
<P>almost everyone use distributed control: it means that you send the angle to a joint (motor) and you expect it to do its best to control its own position. I wuold like to implement global control.</P>
<P>Knowing the global movement of the robot, I will send force commands to every motor, controlling the error with a local PID (or fuzzy PID) control.</P>
<P>My question is: is it reasonable to use a prediction of the force required by the motors using the method used by Russ in ODE? If it is (Russ, tell me your opinion), could you suggest me any paper to know more about that method?</P>
<P>Davide</P></div><br clear=all><hr>Filtri antispamming e antivirus per la tua <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMJITIT/2752??PS=">casella di posta</a> </html>