[ODE] New Physics SDK

Adam D. Moss aspirin at ntlworld.com
Thu Jul 10 06:45:02 2003

ngbinh wrote:
>  I ran accross this :
> http://meqon.com/
>   A new Physics SDK.
>   They have cool demo avis.

Hah, they integrated with CrystalSpace for the construction-site
demo -- that's cute (CS uses ODE normally, or is physics
pluggable with CS nowadays?).

Apart from that I suppose that this looks like Just Another Physics
Engine.  One thing which is interesting to note is that this
engine (like most game-oriented engines) seems to have (recently)
gone what I can only presume to be an 'iterative solver' (stepfast!) 
route, inferred from reading their latest news.

(As a side-note, it's always irritating to see 'for more
information, contact us' in the place a licensing pricelist,
just to make comparative shopping difficult... grrr.)

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam@gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3
"When I was young, I would break down and cry whenever mom made me
throw an empty toilet paper tube in the trash can. I just imagined
it sitting at the dump, all cardboard and sad." -- T.Farnon