[ODE] Presentation and question

Adam D. Moss aspirin at ntlworld.com
Sat Jul 5 10:20:02 2003

DjArcas wrote:
> This is exactly what I've been getting, and it's causing me headaches. If
> you search the list for QNAN (NOT A NUMBER, no idea what the Q's for), then
> you'll see me shouting lots about it. I've yet to come up with a soution -
> but increasing the CFM does seem to make it happen less often.  Also, it,
> oddly, possibly coincidentally, it rarely happens when using ODE's
> drawstuff, but a lot more often when using D3D.

Ohh, the D3D observation rings a bell.  I remember reading on
one mailing list (this one?) that D3D calls can (supposedly by
design) leave some obscure floating point flags/registers in an
undefined state upon return (avoiding a save/restore for reasons
of speed), which 'usually' doesn't cause problems but 'sometimes'
can (I was horrified to read this).

There's an official way to ask D3D not to be so cavalier, which
usually solves such problems.

I don't remember the details off the top of my head (I don't use
D3D), but it's something to look for.

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam@gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3
"When I was young, I would break down and cry whenever mom made me
throw an empty toilet paper tube in the trash can. I just imagined
it sitting at the dump, all cardboard and sad." -- T.Farnon