[ODE] Old question : Trying to do "adaptive timestep"

Nguyen Binh Nguyen Binh <ngbinh at glassegg.com>
Wed Jul 2 20:37:02 2003

         I'm trying to integrate adaptive timestep in ODE.
         What did I do is :
              (1) Save all bodies information (pos, rot,facc,...etc)
              (4) take time step h
              (3) Recover bodies info saved in 1.
              (2) Take 2 time step h/2
              (5) compare current infos of bodies with info saved in
                  1. then find "max error"

         Code :


                dReal stepsize_2 = stepsize * 0.5;

                // 1.0 Save first states
                dxBody* pBodyContainer = (dxBody*) ALLOCA ( nb * sizeof (dxBody));

                int i = 0;

                for (i = 0; i < nb ; i ++)
                        memcpy (&pBodyContainer[i] , body[i] , sizeof(dxBody));

                // 2.0 Take two small step
                dInternalStepIsland_x2 (world,body,nb,joint,nj,stepsize_2);
                dInternalStepIsland_x2 (world,body,nb,0,0,stepsize_2);
//SEE THIS      // Or this???  dInternalStepIsland_x2 (world,body,nb,joint,nj,stepsize_2);

                // 2.1 Save states after first computing
                dxBody* pBodyContainer2 = (dxBody*) ALLOCA ( nb * sizeof (dxBody));

                for (i = 0; i < nb ; i ++)
                        memcpy (&pBodyContainer2[i] , body[i] , sizeof(dxBody));

                // 3. restore first values
                for (i = 0; i < nb ; i ++)
                        memcpy (body[i],&pBodyContainer[i] ,sizeof(dxBody));

                // 4. Take h stepsize
                dInternalStepIsland_x2 (world,body,nb,joint,nj,stepsize);

                // 5. Now calculate the max error
                double fMaxError = 0.0;
                double fErr = 0.0f;

                for (i = 0; i < nb ; i ++)
                        // Error in X coord
                        fErr = dFabs(pBodyContainer2[i].pos[0] - body[i]->pos[0]);
                        fMaxError = ( fErr > fMaxError )? fErr : fMaxError ;
                        // Error in Y coord
                        fErr = dFabs(pBodyContainer2[i].pos[1] - body[i]->pos[1]);
                        fMaxError = ( fErr > fMaxError )? fErr : fMaxError ;
                        // Error in Z coord
                        fErr = dFabs(pBodyContainer2[i].pos[2] - body[i]->pos[2]);
                        fMaxError = ( fErr > fMaxError )? fErr : fMaxError ;

                // Now fMaxError contains the maximum error based on
                // the position
                if (fMaxError > dEpsilon)
                        world->auto_step = dSqrt(world->max_error / fMaxError)*stepsize;
                        world->auto_step = stepsize;

                if (world->auto_step > world->max_step_size)
                        world->auto_step = world->max_step_size;
                if (world->auto_step < world->min_step_size)
                        world->auto_step = world->min_step_size;
                printf("Step %.4e\n",world->auto_step);

        I have test this technique with test_boxstack sample in ODE
        and it works fine,

        But I have found 2 problems :
            1. What info of Joints to pass when I need to take 2 time
            step h/2?
                 Full joints info on both or one with full joints info
                 and one with no joints?
            2. How can I calculate max error beetween two bunch of
            body infos?

       Have anyone tried this?
       Any ideas?
Best regards,

   Nguyen Binh
   Software Engineer
   Glass Egg Digital Media
   E.Town Building  
   7th Floor, 364 CongHoa Street
   Tan Binh District,
   HoChiMinh City,

   Phone : +84 8 8109018
   Fax   : +84 8 8109013
