[ODE] TriMesh support and OPCODE added to ODE core

Nahuel Greco nahuel at codenix.com
Tue Jul 1 18:09:01 2003

On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 14:11:49 -0700 (MST)
Anselm Hook <anselm@hook.org> wrote:

> It is true that with a BSD license people do not have an 'obligation' to
> add their improvements back into the original source tree - but often they
> will - for a variety of subtle reasons.  The reality of the actual use of
> the BSD license versus the GPL license seems to substantially differ from
> the rhetoric that surrounds each.

Please don't forget the LGPL license, where you must make public the
changes to the LGPL'ed library but also you can use it in a closed
source commercial product. 
