[ODE] Stack overflow
Marco Grubert
mgrubert at conitec.net
Fri Jan 31 13:33:01 2003
> The question I ask myself (and you guys) : does
> anybody knows how to define an implicit memory
> de-allocation when a function ends ( because if such a
> thing isn't found we might be looking at some major
> re-write of the function using alloca) ?
How about something like this (at least for C++)
struct CMem() {
CMem() { CMemMarker::pCurrentStack=new char[A_FEW_MEGS]; }
~CMem() { delete[] CMemMarker::pCurrentStack; }
static void* pCurrentStack;
and then just add a var to each critical function (stepIsland, solveLCP,
etc.) :
void myFunc() {
CMem mem;
// do stuff..
Then alloca would just needs to be rewritten to fetch memory from the region
allocated above. A better way would be to have the user supply a pointer to
that memory so that only an internal counter gets reset while the memory
region persists for several calls to dWorldStep.
- Marco Grubert