[ODE] strange problems with single precision

David Walker david.walker530 at ntlworld.com
Sun Jan 26 11:53:02 2003


I've been trying to get my .NET wrapper working with a lib compiled with
single precision and I've noticed one or two strange problems with it.

The first thing is that after calling dCreateBody, with the double
precision, the quaternion returned  for that body is as expected:
[0] = 1
[1] = 0
[2] = 0
[3] = 0
but with single precision I get
[0] = 0
[1] = 1.875
[2] = 0
[3] = 0

I checked a bit more and it seems that dQSetIdentity also does the same.
It's got me very confused so if anyone can shed any light on what is going
on with this I'd be very grateful. Has anyone else noticed this at all?

I'll post more information as I get it.
