[ODE] Linear-Time Dynamics using Lagrange Multipliers
Adam D. Moss
aspirin at ntlworld.com
Thu Jan 9 07:59:02 2003
Richard Tonge wrote:
> Writing an LCP based physics engine from scratch on
> the PC is very hard, and Russ has done an amazing job.
> Taking such an engine and optimising it for the PS2 is
> also quite hard.
Can anyone speak for ODE's efficiency on the PS2 without
any hand-optimization? I presume that the PS2 development
compiler doesn't know how to implicitly compile and farm out
suitable chunks of work to the vector units, so all of the
dynamics work would end up on the general-purpose CPU.
It'd be very interesting to hear what ODE's biggest weaknesses
are out-of-the-box on the PS2.
Adam D. Moss . ,,^^ adam@gimp.org http://www.foxbox.org/ co:3
"She felt rudderless and directionless, like the dead
sheep the November rains had carried down the river."