[ODE] help for hinge joint
Aurélien Hiron
aurelien.hiron at laposte.net
Fri Feb 21 10:01:01 2003
(I'm french, so excuse me for my poor english ;) )
I have a personnal projet, who consist of simulate an hexapode
robot, to be able to work on walking algorithm.
My probleme is that I wan't to simulate servo motor.
It think know how to do this, but I want to have confirmation
(I have never use ODE before):
I use a hinge joint.
I have to set my servo to a specific angle, so i have made a
control of current joint angle (by dJointGetHingeAngle)
to set the hinge velocity.
I also need to have opposite force of the servo, but i don't
know how to do that. i have try to get the constraint force
mixing (dParamCFM) but i have always the same value : 0.000010.
So if someone can help me for the last point, it will be
shurly fun.
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