[ODE] Re: Heightfield / Collision.

gl gl at ntlworld.com
Wed Feb 19 00:28:01 2003

> Or something slightly different, as can be seen in this screenshot:
> http://fourth.flipcode.com/screenshots/large/15.html

There's always one, right ; ).

> The reason for this is a stripping optimisation.

Check.  If we use a callback requesting triangles (as was suggested), then
the app can supply/generate the right ones and the collider can stay
ignorant of the layout.  I think that's the best approach...

> To jump in on the debate however, I can't understand why you would even
want a full set of triangles for CD. Since you will only even need a few at
a time to do CD wouldn't it be better to leave the memory reads of a buffer
out of it and just form the triangles from the vertex sample poinjts as
other have suggested. I like the idea of just forming a small 9*9 patch and
colliding against that.

Yep, that's the idea.