[ODE] Re: Heightfield / Collision.
Fabian Herb
commander at herb-clan.de
Tue Feb 18 12:11:02 2003
I use the third possibility (the diamonds), since this is common in
graphics, because it looks smoother. So I used it in collision
detection in the same way. I don't know if this causes any benefit
for CD in itself, but It's a pain to do everything twice (for both
triangle directions :-)
In the moment I don't stick with anything, as I'm currently redoing
my graphics. Not even with triangles, but I don't how to do it in a
different (better?) way.
>Another complication - heightfield triangle layout. I use
>| \ | \ | \ |
>| \ | \ | \ |
>Is anyone else using
>| / | / | / |,
>| / | / | / |,
> or
>| \ | / | \ |
>| / | \ | / |
>(ie. diamonds)? If yes, can you change or are you stuck with it?