[ODE] visibility detemination?
Clint Brewer
clint at haptek.com
Mon Feb 17 10:10:02 2003
Hi All,
Thanks for the feedback. some replies below after your names :)
Mark: "make an effort not to get physics code tangled up too much with
the rendering code"
I understand what you are saying, but I think all the
collision/intersection detection code would be nice to be able to share,
and since any collision engine will have those types of things
efficiently done the visibility system could just reuse those, mainly
Axis Aligned Bounding Boxes, and a frustum class.
"I'm not sure how this collision approach compares to regular FOV
culling in terms of efficiency"
in my code, they woudl be about the same, most of my geometry has an
AABB that is then checked against a view frustum farily quickly to rule
out things that are completely outside.
"Again, I'm just thinking out loud. Please feel free to stop me if it
gets annoying"
not at all, thanks for the thoughts!
"Maybe I'm missing something, but why would drawing primitives ever lay
outside collision primitives?"
Say I have a big creature, and that creature has a bunch of hair on it
that's just there to make it look good, but not to be collided with
because the hair squishes down. The hair might not be inside the
collision geometry, but would still need to be rendered if it were
visible. So the visibility bounding geometry would need to possibly be
different than the physics geometry.
"benefits of octree-usage completely free. Surely this must be
exploitable in a way that makes sense?"
exactly why I'm interested in this possibility. I was in the process of
writing my own octree code for doing efficient spacial queries on
objects in my world, and thought that I could possibly just reuse the
already efficient stuff in ode.
"Note that I tend to type 'frustrum' rather than 'frustum' - it's burned
into my brain like that ..."
heh, me too, It was a couple years before I even realized I was spelling
it wrong, now frustrum is pretty burned in here too :)
Adam: "cull drawing primitives based on the geometries that represent
them then those primitives should lay wholly within their geometries"
good point, I hadn't thought about that since so far most of my
primitives are shaped like their bounding volumes. I think that what I
would really need would be an AABB that represented the geometry along
with the bounding volumes that represent the physical geometry, then
only use the AABB that covers the entire primitive when doing the
visibility determination. I'm not sure if I could work that in nicely
with ode.
Thanks for the code for the frustum, exactly the sort of thing I was
thinking about. have you used this with lots of objects in your world?
how's it working?
and as for reply to list, since that seems to be a hot topic right now.
I prefer reply to list. but really, I'm just happy to have this list
:) so whichever you prefer is fine by me.