[ODE] Moving ode test program into a class

Pete Graves pete_graves at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 16 11:38:01 2003

I'm quite new to C++ (but some with C & Java experience), and trying to 
experiment with ODE.

I've tried moving some functions [eg void start()] into a new class called 
Simulation to use as part of another program. There is a few lines that 
stores pointers to some of the functions, and passes them to another 
function within the physics library.

// setup pointers to drawstuff callback functions
dsFunctions fn;
fn.start = &start;
fn.step = &simLoop;
fn.command = &command;
// run simulation
dsSimulationLoop (argc,argv,352,288,&fn);

So in the class version I have tried to write:
fn.start = &Simulation::start;
fn.step = &Simulation::simLoop;
fn.command = &Simulation::command;
But I get the error "cannot convert `void (Simulation::*)()' to `void (*)()' 
in assignment"

I also tried:
fn.start = &(Simulation::start);
fn.step = &(Simulation::simLoop);
fn.command = &(Simulation::command);
But this said: "taking address of bound pointer-to-member expression".

Could someone explain what I am doing wrong?



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