XML. (was: Re: [ODE] outputting objects)

Anselm Hook anselm at hook.org
Tue Feb 4 15:43:02 2003

> Here is a simple little world file from my engine, just a test world to test lighting:
> <World Gravity="3.71">
> 	<Camera Position="0 2 0" />
> 	<Light Style="Directional" Position="50 50 50" />
> 	<StaticEntity Position="0 1 -70" Angle="0 0 0" File="Structure\Gastanks\1.lwo" />
> </World>

Clearly this works - it seems like a perfectly fine solution for others if
so...  I was arguing for an automated approach simply because I didn't
like the thought of the labor of typing in all of the cases.

Looks like you define some other things outside the scope of ODE.  And
looks like you use a dynamics engine neutral notation - which is probably
a good thing.

 - a