[ODE] New Composite Geom

Adam D. Moss adam at gimp.org
Sat Dec 6 10:46:07 MST 2003

Vadim Macagon wrote:
> I put together a dCompositeGeom since I'm planning on representing the
> collision structure for characters in our game using a composition of
> primitive shapes (and attaching that to a single body). I know there is a
> geom transform group thing around, but I couldn't quite figure out how it
> worked, and whether it did what I wanted :). Anyway I'm making
> dCompositeGeom available in case anyone wants to put it to some good use.


I'm happy to put this into the contrib dir, but first I'd
like to verify with you that the code is still good.  I'm also
curious about what it offers over simply attaching multiple
GeomTransforms to a body.

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam at gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3
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