[ODE] Selective Time step & Collision Enery Loss

Manohar B.S sciphilog at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 4 02:46:19 MST 2003

    A bit skew question from my side. I have a special
object in the ODE space, say OO. I want the ODE time
step to be around 1/ 60fps.

The PART of the simulated world which is influenced
only by OO should have a time step of over 1000 fps.
That is, the collection of bodies which are touching &
interacting with OO should be updated at a faster
Where do I have to tweak in??????


Another Question: When there is a contact point
created after collision, how to compute the energy
loss at that point efficiently and approximately? I
need this to give some special effects at that point
based on the energy dissipated. That is bigger sound
for harder hits, and some dust possibly.

thanks in advance

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