[ODE] viewing picture

Adam D. Moss aspirin at ntlworld.com
Sat Aug 16 08:17:02 2003

Koby Zalmanson wrote:
> I have a question about the picture drawn at each simulation step.
> Is there a way to save this picture in a file format (jpg , gif, …) that 
> contains the pixels at each the screen.

ODE doesn't concern itself with graphics.  However, if you're
using the included 'drawstuff' library, there's already code
in there to dump each frame to an image file.  See the test
program code in the ODE source for details.

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam@gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3
"I am NOT a nut!  I am the keeper of the seven universal truths!"