[ODE] Lot's of collisions crash ode

Roel van Dijk roelvandijk at home.nl
Tue Apr 22 08:18:02 2003


I'm having a little problem. I'm new to ODE and I have created a little 
program to play around with. It consists of a world with one 'gravity' point. 
When I click with my mouse the program inserts a cube into the world. This 
cube is then pulled towards the gavity point. I do this by applying a force 
towards the point. Also, I decrease the linear and angular speeds of all the 
cubes in the world each step to simulate friction. Not a very good way I 
guess but it works :)

If I insert some cubes in the world, let's say 15 cubes, they will all fly 
around and bounce into each other. After a while they will settle around the 
gravity point (because of the friction). Now the problem occurs. The cubes 
will slowly slide into each other. This causes a lot of collisions. The 
framerate will drop dramatically (from 300 fps to 2 fps) and then it exists. 
Without an error message.

I tried playing around with the collision parameters but nothing seems to fix 
the problem. Does anyone have any ideas what may be causing this.

Roel van Dijk